Eimear McNelis

Eimear McNelis

Eimear got on her first airplane when she was 7 years old and has had the travel bug every since. As a Journalist for over 16 years, she spends her time living in the gorgeous Gippsland region of Victoria, Australia. She writes about travel and lifestyle and enjoys airports because they are filled with peoples stories. Some of her favourite adventures include learning to drink whiskey “properly” with the Scots and spending 16 hours exploring the Wicklow mountains. In her spare time she also writes a blog. Find her on the socials at @RedDirtBlog.

Australian bushfires and what you can do to help support
So how you can support the Australian Bushfires? Eimear McNelis lives in Gippsland, where the East of the region has been impacted by the severe Australian bushfires. She gives us the run down on what’s been happening in Australia and lets us know how our rad readers can help out.…
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Pizza Fest in Italy
Pizza Fest 2024: Take a pilgrimage to the home of the Pizza masters in Napoli Napoli is the birthplace of pizza, so it’s fitting that it’s also home to the biggest and most delicious pizza festival in Italy. The world’s most rad and talented pizza masters will be at the…
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Rome Marathon in Italy
Rome Marathon 2024: Commitment and dedication reign at the Maratona di Roma The Rome Marathon is the largest marathon in Italy. Every year it attracts more than 15,000 of local and foreign runners.  Another 50,000 people participate in the 5km Roma Fun Run race. The Rome Marathon gives you the…
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Win tickets to Return to Rio
Rad Season has your kickoff to festival season sorted! Enter to win Two Golden Tickets to Return to Rio in November. Details below. Join crazy, weird, and creative folk as house and EDM heavyweights beckon you to unleash your inner party animal for three fantastical days and nights at Wiseman’s Ferry,…
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Winter Solstice in true English fashion at Burning of the Clocks
Burning of the Clocks 2024: How the English do Winter Solstice The Burning of the Clocks is a community procession of lanterns and costumes, that locals call ‘withies” (which are willow canes) and white light tissue paper, led by local bands and artists. The event runs with a truly dark…
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Rad Season has your back! Enter to win two passes to Astral Harvest Festival in July. Details below. Taking place in the beautiful boreal wilderness of Northern Alberta, the intimate and majestic Astral Harvest Festival steps it up a notch by ensuring there is something for everyone. The nestled gathering…
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the fallas are set ablaze at Las Fallas in Spain
Las Fallas 2024: Valencia city becomes an outdoor animation theatre Las Fallas is Valencia’s biggest arts festival, it transforms the city virtually into its own cultural theme park with various attractions to satisfy the 2 million people that attend each year. If you are looking for an event full of…
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Cologne Carnival in Germany
Cologne Carnival 2024: Enjoy the crazy days and join the mayhem. Dress up, drink beer and dance. Kölle alaaf! Collaborate with high spirited Germans as together they celebrate their cultural street carnival in Cologne, Germany. Watch and join in as they parade, march, dance their way around the city of…
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Big Red Bash in Australia
Big Red Bash 2024: A unique outback celebration of Australia in the Simpson Desert This is the bash where you can find Australia’s most iconic musicians in the desert while thousands of others flock to camp under the stars to hear them. With the country’s most popular acts on the…
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Rad Season