A test of your strength, dexterity, endurance and speed, the Savage Race will require you to run through mud, carry heavy objects, climb over walls, crawl up, over and under obstacles and much more. You are given an RFID chip, so that you can know your accurate race time and the winners of the race receive medals and cash prizes.
The event is an all-day festival and it culminates with an awards ceremony, beer and food. It is held at numerous locations across the USA throughout the year, including Chicago, Atlanta, Maryland and more. Over 100,000 people attend this event annually and the winners are entered into the Savage Axe Hall of Fame.
If you love obstacle racing and want a thrilling challenge as well as a great party, you’ll love it.
In a lot of ways, this obstacle race is similar to Tough Mudder – another challenging obstacle racing course event. The Savage Race is a little bit shorter than the Tough Mudder, so it is a great challenge if you are just getting into the sport of obstacle course racing.
It is half the distance of a Tough Mudder but it is still very difficult due to the range of obstacles that you must surmount. Compared to the Warrior Dash event, it is a little longer with bigger obstacles.
You can run the race as a solo competitor, but you can also do the challenge as a team as well. The race can be a lot more fun when you run with your friends, family or co-workers. There is no limit to the size of a team and not all team members have to register at the same time – once the team is created anyone can join during the registration process.
Being on a team might be an advantage for some of the intense obstacles, such as the Great Wall because you will be able to help lift and pull each other up and over. Plus, there is the fun and camaraderie of working together as a team and sharing this intense experience.
The obstacles in the race are difficult, creative and fun. They will push you to your limits but once you overcome them you will feel a surge of pride and a rush of adrenaline. Some of the most thrilling obstacles in the race include:
Twin Peaks – You must propel yourself up the quarter pipe ramp, down the other side and then up another. Getting the right momentum is hard, especially since no skateboards are allowed.
On the Fence – Scramble your way up a chain-link fence that is moving and suspended over water.
The Great Wall – You’ll need to summon all of your strength to get up and over the Great Wall – so be sure to get a running start.
Colossus Slide – Face your fear of heights and go for a near-vertical drop down a 24-foot water slide.
Polecat – Shimmy across parallel bars of different heights – if you lose your grip you’ll fall straight into the mud below.
Twirly Bird – The challenge is to swing from the ring grips without touching the ground and reach the ropes, although you will likely end up twirling around in the air with nowhere to go.
The Big Cheese – This big climbing obstacle is filled with random holes like a slice of Swiss cheese, so you will need to strategize carefully about where to place your feet.
Davy Jones Locker – You’ll take a 15-foot jump into a 15-foot deep pool for a thrilling adrenaline rush that will really wake you up.
These are just a few of the obstacles – there are 25 in total and you will need to be able to complete them all within the best time to win the prize.
Do you think you could handle this challenge? When you complete all of the obstacles you will be exhausted and covered in mud from head to toe – but tremendously proud of yourself.
Ready to race? Here are some upcoming Savage Race and Savage Blitz dates across the U.S.:
Or check out the event organizer’s website for additional cities, tickets, and competitor info.
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