The idea of attending a “ full moon party” might sound lame, however, attending a “full moon party in Thailand on the beach with 30,000 party-goers” sounds 100% more appealing and intriguing, right? The answer to most is yes!
Most people are aware of what the actual party entails, though, for review, it is the biggest full moon party in the world that attracts thousands of party-goers to Haad Rin beach on the island of Koh Phangan. The full moon lights up the night as people party and dance until the sun comes up.
So, while the guts of the event seem easy enough to get-on with, what are the best practices and tips to prep for the event and then recover? We’re here to tell you. We scoured the internet searching for opinions, tips and trends from moon party goer’s around the world and here is what we uncovered:
Photo credit:1. Plan your accommodations on Koh Phangan in advance – if you’re looking to do this trip on the cheap, it is recommended to book your stay in advance. If you don’t care about where you are staying, many people encourage “winging-it”, as long as you’re ok with sub-par housing or couch jumping.
2. Go with a friend – while many individuals who consider themselves “independent” or “free spirited”, it is recommended to bring a friend 1) because it is more fun and 2) for safety reasons. Plus, who is going to help you drink all of the booze out of your booze bucket on the beach?
3. Bring a change of clothes, or two – Yes, a lot of blogs and articles talk about the event as being essentially nude + body paint. Well, that is in part true, but don’t forget a change of clothes. After a day and night in the sun and sand, you’ll want a fresh pair of undies to change into for your travel day.
4. Don’t worry about access to alcohol – there will be plenty and it is cheap. Bring cash, but not too much cash. Alcohol can be purchased on the beach but most vendors only take cash (Thai Bhat currency). Beware: Buckets offered are very easy to drink and can catch up with you, therefore, no need to rush.
5. Be wary of any swimming at night time for obvious safety reasons. Though, do remember to bring a swim suit or two and expect it to be ruined or adorned with paint!
6. Be prepared to be painted on! Part of the tradition of the full moon party is to wear glow-in-the-dark paint or regular paint in various colors. Most partiers are painted head to toe.
7. Shoe game should be strong – flip flops are not going to cut it according to most of the experienced full moon party veterans. Plan to wear sneakers or athletic shoes to protect your feet from debris or even broken glass.
8. “Watch your own bobber” – this is a phrase that refers to keeping an eye on your own drink. With 30,000-40,000 people partying and drinking, it is always important to makes sure you aren’t sharing your drink or losing sight of your drink. Keep your “sipper” close otherwise you may run the risk of 1) losing your drink or 2) someone may slip something in your drink. Trust these words from the wise!
9. Protect your skin and wear sunscreen (before you apply your paint). Thailand is hot and if you’re fair skinned and haven’t seen the sun in a while, consider lathering up with a broad-spectrum 30SPF or higher. You’ll thank us later when you aren’t looking like a lobster and feeling like the sun. We highly recommend La Roche-Posay SPF 50 or Coppertone SPF 30. Reapply every 80 minutes for best results.
10. Stay in control – how do you stay in control at a party like this? Well, it is very much a personal decision, solo travelers should be wary of making “new friends”. Theft is common at big events worldwide and full moon party is no exception.
1. Plan a day or two off of work after the party. You’ll be wrecked. Even if you aren’t the drinking type, the all-night and into-the-morning chaos will surely call for some serious RnR.
2. Go to a sanctuary yoga retreat after the party. There is one quite literally called The Sanctuary that many party-goers retreat to after the weekend bender.
3. Plan for a 3-day cleanse: Often people will eat raw fruit and veggies to prepare the body before a cleanse, which is not ideal after a big beach party, though, you might need to power through it to give your body a reprieve. Coconut, clay and psyllium juice are recommended by locals to help your body “reset” after the Full Moon Party.
4. Drink warm lemon water each morning to help start your day out by detoxifying any impurities from your body. It is an easy, cheap way to detox on a daily basis. Pertinant for people who perhaps don’t have the extra cash to be spending at the yoga retreat.
5. Try a detox clay mask to draw out toxins from the weekend. We recommend Muddy Body detox clay mask.
6. Get to a sweat house or steam room to release toxins through sweat while also relaxing the body. Replenish with cucumber water or coconut water following the sweat session.
7. Sleep. This might seem implied, though, after a weekend of partying, laughing, and constantly moving around for 18+ hours…sleep is essential to the bodies recovery.
8. Shake it up – make yourself a banana milkshake in the morning to help calm the stomach. Bananas and other fruits are rich in electrolytes, magnesium and potassium, all of which are depleted during heavy drinking at the moon party.
9. Skip coffee – too much caffeine will dehydrate you even more. Even though you are exhausted, stay away from coffee until your body has had a chance to rest and recover.
10. Try herbal teas – flavors like fennel, mint and chamomile the morning after a crazy night out will help soothe the stomach and relax the body and mind.
With the above in mind, we hope that you’ll take it all into consideration to make the most of your experience at Thailand’s Full Moon Party. It is undoubtedly one of the most unique parties in the world and well-worth the experience as long as you’re prepared. Don’t let your first time at the Full Moon Party be a bust. Enjoy, be safe, and be prepared to love this event so much you’ll want to do it all over again.
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