Grace Austin

Grace Austin

Kitesurfer, traveler, and digital nomad, Grace Austin is a freelance writer specialised in adrenaline sports and outdoor adventure. Based in rural Thailand (for now), she's the creative director of Extreme Nomads, the sports & outdoors destination guide for adventurous travelers.

Battle of the Lakes Achill Island, Ireland
Achill Island, Ireland, to Host Battle for the Lake an Outrageous Watersports + Music Festival “It was a little more than 10 years ago; myself and a couple of friends drove over to Achill to kite for a few days,” Francois Colussi stands across from us outside of Pure Magic’s…
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Best Electro music festivals in Asia
Where are the best music festivals in Asia? If you hear the phrase ‘badass electro festival’ and Asia isn’t the first place that pops into your head, I’d forgive you. Really, I would. Up until a handful of years ago, live electro music was a hard thing to come by…
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